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Ah, for once you're right, Kylie. But probably not for the reason you think. You see, The Furry Raiders are not racists, but you are. In fact, you're not just any kind of racist. I was just looking at that animated punch a Nazifur thing on your Twitter. You're the kind of racist who advocates persecution and violence.

You're the kind of racist who thinks you can just slap a label of Nazi on anyone who doesn't agree with you, and be free to inflict as much physical harm on them as you like. Because, as far as you're concerned, anyone you decide to slap a label of Nazi on is no longer human.

And of course, you've already slapped a label of Nazi on me and Niko, regardless of the fact that any cursory examination of our web pages would reveal that we're both sticklers for justice and fair play who appose racism in any form. And that's why we're here. To make sure your road to infecting this entire fandom with your insane racism is as rocky and difficult as possible.


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