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2's influence over the past fifteen years derived in part from his privileged access to the means of production - conventions. Having lost that access, he may find it harder to "come back". Furry fandom is far larger nowadays, and new talent is hungry to make its mark.

2's spiel has ventured into areas where he doesn't agree with the furry mainstream for some time, and his numbers allegedly decreased.
A new programming director came in, and made a fresh choice based on the data. (That's their position, anyway. It might not be the whole truth, but he's had a long run.)

Of course, he has Twitter and YouTube - but so does everyone, and if you looked at his latest videos, you might think he was a gamer. His own website is stuck in a time-warp from 2012. These things may be part of the problem.

As for Telephone, I understand there's an issue relating to an attempt to exert control over the concept of (Dutch) Angel Dragons and the organization of events relating to them, at Anthrocon and elsewhere. From what I heard at NordicFuzzCon, it'd make an interesting story for Flayrah, along with the wider topic of closed/open species.


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