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It's a SecondLife group. If I hadn't already known who she was, it's also the SecondLife location written in her Flayrah profile.
Unlike Kylie who thinks Perri is somehow related to the Furry Raiders, I just see a Sunweaver being a Sunweaver. Niko is also a Sunweaver, and now that I'm pointing this out, I won't be surprised if other Sunweavers show up.

I went with Anon because I'm in the Sunweavers group and am silent there. I don't like being ignorant, and I don't intend on getting kicked out. :p

Could point to more Sunweavers = Furry Racists information if Niko likes. My logs go back quite a few years. They just rant and rant about shit all the time. How black people are a poison, how Obama is an idiot for his "war on coal" etc.
My logs go back quite a few years, I've been considering writing an exposé on them. But then again, there are one or two nice people who aren't like that at all in there. So you have to weigh the pros and cons. Some are just loudmouth idiots who get into trouble everywhere they go and the Sunweavers were one of the only places left for them. Others still are just Sunweavers by affiliation and don't realize the group has those things going on.

If it's not racism, it's saying they wish other members of SecondLife would die (courtesy of The Pink Blunder) or similarly shitty negativity in general. I've seen other members ask the groups founder why that's allowed, and just get ignored. All in all, "typical furry drama!" so I tend to think it's not worth writing about. However they do tend to pipe up during stories like this to stand up for the other racists, I guess.


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