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Tell me, by whose authority do you attempt to police the community that belongs to all Furries?

Ironic coming from the person who has said:

My agenda is to see these crimes properly addressed, the instigators of these crimes removed, and the fandom restored to a state I do not have to feel ashamed to call my home.


I urge the fandom to rally against them, to ban them wherever they practice their hateful persecution, and to label them with the name they have so justly earned, that of Neo-Burned Furs

So you get to blacklist people from the fandom for saying, "Christ, that 2 guy's a fucking asshole", but other people don't get to blacklist people for galivanting about as Nazis and spouting Nazi rhetoric and attending and supporting far-right nationalist speeches or maligning transgender and transsexual people? Cool. I love what the concept of "tolerance" has seemed to mean for furries.

Anyway, knock it off with the Burned Fur nonsense. They don't really exist anymore and as far as people who support them go, well, if you'd done as much "research" into Foxler as you say you'd know he literally supports the Burned Fur movement. Whoops.


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