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People obsessed with video games do not read history books, unless they have some reason to care. He didn't. At least not until people started calling him a Nazi. Then he started to study up on it, and taking it at face value at first thought he saw something admirable in it. But he eventually began to understand enough about it to realize it was not compatible with Furry, and Furry was more important to him. So he rejected it, and eventually did repent his past. Therefore he no longer espouses beliefs he has long ceased to have any care for. And no matter how many times you refuse to watch the video, or throw up a 3 year old jpeg to deceive others as to his current state of mind, you will do no better than to make your self out to be a liar, a troll, and a persecutor of the innocent.

Ah, I see. So you are a Jewish Nazi. What a remarkable accomplishment. I'm sure your ancestors are quite proud of you. And I do agree with The Doctor as well. In some corner a terrible thing was born that became you. You act against everything we believe in, and you must be fought.

However, I am an American. We did not have Doctor Who when I was 4. We had Dark Shadows instead, which is a show with a theme of redemption, where even the witch, Angelique, was horrible and needed to be fought, and yet could occasionally rise above her dark nature to become heroic. To be kind I shall think of you with that potential, rather than with the finality of the Doctor Who scenario.

Seriously, child, grow up. You are not Vanhellsing and there are no vampires to be hunted here. No one set you up to be judge, jury and executioner of anyone you choose to decry as a Nazi. Destroying peoples' lives is a serious business. When you are told you have missed something about your victim, you have a responsibility to investigate. By what madness do you consider yourself infallible? Does it never cross your self-righteous mind that you could be wrong? That you could be every bit the villain of this piece?


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