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Do you by chance know what year it is? Do you have any idea how removed WW2 is from modern times?

1. history books and the internet are available.
2.He has every reason to read up on it now. If he continues to espouse those beliefs...

And the fact remains, you're not that much smarter than he is, and not one tenth as compassionate.

because I'm not a blind sheep like you?

Nazi's are nothing to you but a license to persecute other people. They are something that you admire and emulate far more than Foxler does. Go on, deny it.

Why would I agree with something that isn't remotely true. You don't know a thing about me. For example, did you know that I'm Jewish? my last name is Osterwise, it used to be Osterweis until immigration changed it. My family fought on both sides of the civil war and a distant relative helped develop the weapons needed to end WWII.

there's a quote from Doctor Who, and I know you're a Whovian because it's on your FA. it's from the second doctor, which given that you're 55 years old, I know you'll appreciate since you would have been 4 when it aired. well, roughly. it's from the episode the Moonbase.

There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which act against everything we believe in. They must be fought.

that's the code I live by. Of course on your facebook page (which I've got bookmarked) you'll erroneously post this as me trying to did you put it? oh! ""I was told by one of these people on Flayrah that their goal is the demise of Furry tolerance.""

I'm not. Because there shouldn't be tolerance towards nazism or intolerance in the first place!


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