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"one does not have to be white, straight, and some hateful caricature to be a Nazi. Collaborators exist in every group. I can find you gay people against gay marriage"

What you did was state one doesn't have to be straight to be a Nazi, and then offered gays against gay marriage as an example. I don't know why you think you deserve license to back pedal on it. You certainly wouldn't give Foxler any latitude for back peddling.

And why back pedal? If you think gays who don't support gay marriage are Nazis, you should stand behind your beliefs. After all, it's going to be on the internet a long time, and the SJW's will never let you live it down. By your own example, any stupid thing that someone writes on the internet, even if they were young and naive at the time, is to be tattooed on their forehead for life.

The things that will get you banned from most Furry sites are not hypothetical. They are very well spelled out, and fairly consistent from site to site. Hate speech is not allowed, physical threats are a big no no. Anything that harms others will get you in trouble. Advocating abuse of children or animals will definitely get you in hot water. Any kind of crime you brag about having done will generally set some fur turning you in. But when it comes to opinions, everyone's entitled to theirs, assuming you want to be entitled to yours. So, even if somebody holds the opinion that Nazi uniforms are hot, you can express the opinion that you think that's disgusting, but that's about it.

Foxler admits in his video that he did type the hating blacks comment in a fit of exasperation at an artist who was screwing him out of a commission. The actual context of what he was trying to express was that black doesn't exist among Furries. So it wouldn't matter if he hated blacks. But of course context is never a consideration among trolls, the LOL crowd and SJW's. He said it. It's on the internet forever. And even if he's expressed regret for it a hundred times, that is never to be entered into consideration. You just get to brand him a Nazi and ruin the rest of his life.

But that's ok, because you've set the precedent, and you've given him the ammunition to brand you a homophobe. And don't go throwing out any buts, because you established the rules. There are no buts. There is no context. It's just what you wrote, jammed into the space of a tweet, ruining your reputation for all time. You sure you want to set that precedent?

I'm confused. What do fetishists have to do with racism? But, as for the rest of the paragraph, you know, my father is racist as all hell. He's a regular Archie Bunker. He's actually proud of the comparison. And there's not a damn thing I can do to change his racist opinions. So, what do you think I should do to this 91 year old invalid? Tell him he has no right to his opinions and threaten to kick him out in the street to die if he doesn't change them?

There's not a day that goes by in Furry Fandom that I don't run into somebody with some pretty whacked opinions. But then my opinions can be pretty radical as well. So, what do you expect me to do? Set myself up as some authority with the power to say which opinions are acceptable and which aren't? Nobody here has a right to do that.

But, you're right about one thing. The range of Furry ideas will extend out to the horizon and beyond, totally out of reach of anyone's control. And I'm terribly sorry you hold the opinion that this is a bad thing. But it is your opinion, and you're entitled to it, just like my father's entitled to his.

Yes, in life you will run into people who hold bigoted opinions. But as long as they're not letting their opinions lead them to hurt anybody, what goes on in their heads is not your territory to muck around in.


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