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I'm not condemning you. I'm just telling you how you come off for your own good. And you come off that way for the same reason Foxler does. Because you're naïve as sin and have no perception of the world that exists beyond whatever book or website you're absorbing your political rhetoric off of.

You're just sitting here among all these regular talking folks, spouting cold war Communist rhetoric, and being totally mystified as to why anyone should be weirded out by it.

Yes, exactly like Foxler. But if I'm willing to let him slide on his armband, why wouldn't I let you slide on your language? You're free to talk any way you want. I'm just telling you the same thing I'd tell Foxler. You'd get far less controversy and get along much better with people if you didn't deliberately go out of your way to freak them out.

But, hey, maybe you guys are starting a popular new trend. "Squick The Furries," what a concept. A bit of poetic justice in there. And, of course, I support your right to do it, if that's what turns you on. But that doesn't mean I should lie to you and tell you it isn't an incredibly stupid thing to do.


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