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Um, Hitler used a lot of people in the early days during his rise to power, only to have them slaughtered in their beds. Being gay in a movement where history shows you'll be slaughtered the moment your usefulness ends doesn't seem very bright, does it?

To be a Neo-Nazi you must be white, straight, and have a heart filled with hate for everyone who is not. This is not a negotiable aspect of the movement.

As for your linked evidence. One doesn't have to be a Nazi to tag a FA image as having a Nazi reference in it. And the other thing Foxler has explained as something dumb he did back when he was trying to research what a Neo-Nazi was, because he didn't know what people were talking about when they accused him of being one. How does someone not know what a Neo-Nazi is? I don't know. What's your excuse?

Also, even if he did once fancy himself a Nazi before he knew what one was, that by itself isn't evidence of racism. To prove racism, you must be able to show him hating on somebody for racial reasons. Without this he can't be defined as racist or a Nazi. And so far I've seen not even a hint of such evidence.

Ah, "one of the great failings of Furry Fandom is its belief in tolerance." Where have I heard that before? And why am I not surprised to hear it on Flayrah, where I run into Neo-Burned Furs every time I visit?

Actually, no. We don't have to ditch people who are accused of being Nazis, of using Nazi imagery in their creativity, this that or the other thing. We toss people because they attack other people. Not because of labels other people try to stick on them. And certainly not because we just don't like the way they look. Show me a Furry Raider attacking somebody, and they'll be banned as a matter of course. But don't come up to me saying I can only support Jewish and gay people by acting on prejudice, because the protection of the prejudiced is no protection at all.

I don't know why you're dragging 2 into this, but I'll tell you something. If someone like 2 is not safe from your Nazi-like persecution, nobody is. The only people I see in here spouting hateful, Nazi-like rhetoric is you, Deo and the rest of your witch hunting movement. A peace established by giving you lot the ability to become the dictators of this fandom is not a peace worth having. Just as when this was tried 10-15 years ago, peace will not be restored to the fandom until it has made your Neo-Burned Fur movement know in no uncertain terms that we will not be ruled by intolerance.


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