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Alright, so, first of all, there was a homosexual contingent in the early Nazi party. Google Ernst Rohm. He cofounded the SA, but was eventually executed at Hitler's behest. Suggesting that people cannot be neo-Nazis because of their sexuality or race, or because of the sexuality or race of members of a group they lead, contradicts historical and present reality.

Second, the dude is a known racist and Nazi. Here's some evidence.

Third, a major failing of the furry fandom is its desire to embrace an idealist notion of universal tolerance. You cannot show tolerance to every person and group because some people and groups are intrinsically in conflict; as an example, to tolerate Nazis in your community is to ditch your support for Jewish people, people of color, LGBTQ folk, and so on. And if you wish to show support for those groups you must denounce and expel Nazis from your community.

It's an easy trap to fall into. Furries are misunderstood and mocked by certain groups, and so the natural first response is to want to create a community where everyone is loved and tolerated. But to allow Nazis to spread racist rhetoric under a pretense of "tolerance" is explicitly showing intolerance of others; the correct way to promote a loving, supportive furry community is to give the boot to those who promote racism.

And if that means old fools like 2 no longer "put themselves out for us anymore", not that they really ever did in the first place, then it is up to us to support a "new guard" who understands how to build a genuinely supportive and healthy fandom.


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