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A red thumb print proves nothing, actually. It is an oddity, and it may suggest a political affiliation. But that is not to say the letter didn't come from the legal department of the convention, or that they weren't serious about taking legal action.

Of course, you also need to consider the source of the scan. Deo, in my opinion, represents a very small group of what we once would have called trolls, who are doing a magnificent job of disrupting the fandom, subverting its morals, and attempting to replace them with, dare I say, Nazi-like values in regard to free speech.

It's almost laughable that I'm expected to take seriously people who act like Nazis accusing other people of being Nazis. It would be generally hilarious, if it wasn't actually hurting people.

So, given that we are looking at a scan made by someone with the scruples of a troll, how can we be so sure Deo didn't add the thumb print to further discredit the people being attacked? You won't find me giving any weight to it.


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