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Newsbytes archive for March 2017

Edited by GreenReaper as of Sat 12 Dec 2020 - 13:02
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Contributors this month include dronon, Equivamp, Fred, GreenReaper, InkyCrow, RingtailedFox, and TyphonDog.

Equivamp: RainFurrest closes as a convention after RAIn board of directors fails to find a venue for the second year in a row. h/t: Dennisthetiger.

GreenReaper: Doomed woolly mammoths faced 'genomic meltdown' in twilight years on Wrangel Island.

GreenReaper: Brits endure further wave of European immigration, as Swedish wolf cubs brought to be raised in Devon.

dronon: Outrage at inclusion of gay character in film about woman-buffalo romance. (Satirical site.)

GreenReaper: The sharks who have to wait 150 years to get a date.

dronon: The Bunny Museum has moved.

RingtailedFox: Crocodile Stoned to Death in Tunis, Tunisia... how awful!

dronon: New game out - Bedfellows Frenzy!

InkyCrow: Animals gather for a swim at the Bath House. What could possibly go wrong?

Fred: The Indonesian Army can't take a joke.

RingtailedFox: Update (March 16, 2017) - Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog uncancelled, with a tentative release date in the last week of May/first week of June! Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope it's for real!

TyphonDog: Nordic Fuzz Con Music Video "Go NFC Go"

Fred: Russian raccoon porn.

dronon: Gene Catlow has passed away.

dronon: Dancing zebra footage that you can superimpose on other videos.

TyphonDog: The Guardian: I'm a furry. And I'm finally at home with my wild side

dronon: Trailer for Dragonheart 4: Battle for the Heartfire.

Fred: Alligator romance.

dronon: Playboy interviews the Feral Attraction podcast.

dronon: Takaza has passed away.

dronon: Vice interviews furries at Furnal Equinox.

Fred: How the mouse came to live with humans.

dronon: Easter ad from Germany.

dronon: Trailer for Ferdinand.

dronon: Cashmere Sky, a graphic novel under development.

dronon: Tomm Moore's next film, Wolfwalkers.

Fred: Is a pig a pet or a therapy animal?

InkyCrow: Mac DeMarco gets sweet with Winnie the Pooh in his new music video This Old Dog

RingtailedFox: Swat Kats' Netflix revival petition nears its goal; just 255 signatures needed!


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