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I'm not very good with words (I think) in getting across the point I am trying to make, so please bear with me. I do not like political discussions most of the time; in my opinion this country has gone from a place of many peoples coming together to form something better to two big groups hating each other and getting nothing done. Articles like this (on most sites) are usually geared to get people to dislike (at best) people of a certain (usually Republican) political affiliation in power. Things like this are one of the reasons there is so much unrest on the political landscape in America today. Before I keep going I should say that I am not a Republican myself and I do not support Trump any more than he was the lesser of two evils, in my opinion, but even I can see how messed up the news in in this country. Why is it so hard for people to get along?

A government like the one America is supposed to be, what it was meant to be when it was founded, is supposed to have very little power on a federal level. The rules and laws they make should be few in number and focus on keeping it's people safe. Now we have our federal government what parts of religions are not to be adhered to, that we have to like absolutely everyone, and we need to pay for absolutely everything. My taxes kill me every single year. These things, among others, are things that shouldn't be decided by the federal government because it leads to issues like the political scene today. Both sides are at fault in very big ways and the media is not helping the situation at all, just feeding the flames and soon they are going to be out of control.

Again, I apologize, I do not like talking about things like this, and this is probably the WORST place to talk about it, but if I have to see things about politics absolutely everywhere then maybe I should just say my piece. Sorry for the rant.


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