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Thanks for the article and mention! Theres so much to talk about I think it's too much for one article to properly appraise. Some topics could get their own articles.

For one, I feel like this little niche fan group passed some invisible tipping point of being more than a punching bag or target for cheap disposable jokes in the media. It can still happen it just doesn't have as much power now and they seem to realize furries arent going to go away like a fad. I feel like a corner was turned in december 2014 with the Midwest Furfest gas incident and gained momentum up to 2016. Example: this Vice article looking back at MFF from feb 2016. I suspect it might be showing self awareness by name checking CSI in the title but taking itself seriously.

Zootopia itself was part of that, with winking at furries in the marketing and then reaching out directly.

Movies had more than one milestone - Fursonas was a first, made from insidethe community, getting mainstream distribution, won major festival awards, and hit #2 on Google Play right below Michael Moore in documentary. And as a friend said, its legit film making about subcultures, identity policing and expression that happens to be about furries, not just a 'furry movie'.

I'll say more soon.


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