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Since it was requested at the link: Flayrah as a whole averaged 14,000 sessions and 20,000 page-views per month, last year. It varies considerably, though - April saw over 40,000 views, and that was the average traffic in 2013-14 as well. In general, the more news posted, the more views, as you might expect.

Pageviews aren't everything. Links posted as a newsbyte result in few views, because the only story they contribute to is the monthly summaries; but they are distributed as separate posts over our our Twitter and Facebook, where they are often more convenient for our readers to consume, judging by the stats on those platforms.

In any case, it's not something we're trying to be secretive about. We used to have pageview graphs for every story, visible to all registered users; the only reason we don't now is that Google changed their API, and the graph module using it broke.

Looking for popularity in news is a fool's errand - WikiFur has close to five times Flayrah's traffic, while Inkbunny has ten times that.


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