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“More than once, I have said there should be a single place where artists and fans alike can go to and check out furry history.” Well, there’s my “Retrospective: An Illustrated Chronology of Furry Fandom, 1966-1996”, published here back in July 2012.

“It isn't like there's a source where you can find all the furry zines listed. I know Fred Patten included a list in one of the books he edited recently, "An Anthropomorphic Century", but even then, my understanding is that there are so many more out there.”

I did? It’s news to me. There's one in my first anthology, “Best in Show: 15 Years of Outstanding Furry Fiction”, published by Sofawolf Books in July 2003. It contains stories from just about every furry magazine that included fiction from 1989 to 2003: Anthrolations, The Ever-Changing Palace, Fang, Claw & Steel, Fantastic Furry Stories, FurryPhile, FurVision, Historimorphs, Morphic Tales, Mythagoras, North American Fur, Pawprints Fanzine, Steam Victorian, Tales of the Tai-Pan Universe, Yarf!, and Zoomorphica. Also APAs like the Furthest North Crew and Rowrbrazzle. But there were many fanzines that did not contain fiction, such as the American Journal of Anthropomorphics, which was a furry art fanzine. Yes, a comprehensive list is needed.

I collected all of the literary furry fanzines. When I had my stroke in 2005, my whole collection was donated to the Eaton Collection of Science Fiction & Fantasy at the Rivera Library of the University of California at Riverside. The UCR has probably the biggest collection of furry literature and ephemera in the world. Joe Strike came from New York to do research in it for the history of furry fandom that he’s writing.

“if you want to donate to something who really wants to preserve them, feel free to contact me.” Or feel free to contact the Eaton Collection at the UCR, which already has a very large furry collection; but it’s not complete – my own collection didn’t have Furplay, PentMouse, and Scrap, to mention just three fanzines that Ahmar mentions. Please do keep the Eaton Collection in mind if you're donating anything.

Fred Patten


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