Despite the copyright this stuff is really falling to dust and getting eaten by silverfish. Our collection at the Prancing Skiltaire does have these sorts of problems and we are trying our damnedest to get much of this stuff at least scanned.
We want to get in touch with some artists to get very early APA's available (within reason) so people can see the extremely larval stage of the fandom.
Most of what we are pushing on the archive is more the ephemera of the early fandom instead of the fanzines but we do have a few examples. In the case of the Touch magazines we were the original publishers of that zine. But for the most part we are sticking to fliers and posters letters and other convention history.
I also thing we should have a push to have some of this stuff published in ebook format on Amazon at least at reasonable prices.
Please can we get things like Associated Student Bodies on kindle?
We have been making some effort in trying to make early convention history available at the Conference archive:
We have also just put up two issues of Touch magazine:
Despite the copyright this stuff is really falling to dust and getting eaten by silverfish. Our collection at the Prancing Skiltaire does have these sorts of problems and we are trying our damnedest to get much of this stuff at least scanned.
We want to get in touch with some artists to get very early APA's available (within reason) so people can see the extremely larval stage of the fandom.
Most of what we are pushing on the archive is more the ephemera of the early fandom instead of the fanzines but we do have a few examples. In the case of the Touch magazines we were the original publishers of that zine. But for the most part we are sticking to fliers and posters letters and other convention history.
I also thing we should have a push to have some of this stuff published in ebook format on Amazon at least at reasonable prices.
Please can we get things like Associated Student Bodies on kindle?