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Guys, i just noticed this and i would like to make a few things clear on my side and what is going on/give an update on what is going on with the Turkish Furry Fandom now.

Just to be clear, yes I'm a Turkish orientated person who was born and live in London, UK. I'm proud of my heritage and i try to visit Turkey often every year. But since 2010 i have been trying very hard to find Turkish Furries and bring them together to try and help them make the furry fandom in Turkey happen.

I'm not doing this for fame or to become a poplufur. I'm doing this for my fellow Turks who want to become furries and for the good of the Furry Fandom! This will help spread the furry Fandom in countries around the world where many furries think it is 'impossible' to do or 'Can't be done'.

I dispute this. It has been a very slow 9 years and in these 9 years i have come across many Turkish Furries who are negative and think that the Turkish Furry Fandom will not work in Turkey. I wasted blood, sweat and tears arguing and convincing many young Turkish furries Male & Female to see the bright side that if they were more positive then they would all work together to make it happen.

Unfortunately there have been setbacks..... Turkish Animé fans and just Turkish 'normies' found me and other Turkish Furries on twitter and via Facebook giving us abuse, name calling towards us for just being 'Furries' because they heard 'bad things' about us (you can all guess what these things are)

This did not deter me but it has put off a few furries i know.....but i'm still trying to bring them around to my ways of thinking that to be positive and say that things can be done to grow the Furry Fandom in Turkey.

The other constraint has been that many youngsters in Turkey (even above the age of 18) are poor....they cannot travel from one city to another. I wanted a Furmeet to start in Istanbul as it would be seen as a hub and a central meeting place for furries....but arguments happened and they were saying "Why can't it be in Ankara or Izmir" and etc.

last year at Eurofurence and this year... 2 Turkish Furries attended Eurofurence and now in 2019 there are going to be 3 Turkish Furries attending Eurofurence (It would of been 4 if i went but i can not go this year and i could not go last year ) :(

So, if i have given up and have not done anything in these 9 years of trying to make the Furry Fandom in Turkey to exist. Then there would be ZERO Turkish Furries attending Eurofurence this year.

I've made an online presence for a 'Turkish Furry Fandom' since 2010 on FurAffinity where the majority of Turkish Furries found me and found each other. I have a Facebook account and we now have a Turkish Furries Facebook group. We have a discord chat where many Turkish Furries chat to each other and finally the video presentation i did at Eurofurence a few years ago has attracted many Turkish Furries commenting on the video saying to me in Turkish "I thought i was the only Turkish Furry to exist in Turkey" or "I did not know there was a Turkish Furry Fandom in Turkey and i want to be part of it"

So, it goes to show with my effort and determination, things will happen :3

But my predictions on how the Fandom will progress in Turkey has still been quite slow since i did my presentation and i doubt my vision of a Furry Convention in Istanbul in 2020 will not come into fruition.... But how i wished! With the lack of furries in Turkey helping me....nothing gets done.

But if it takes another few years, i hope that things will change for the better. I need to do more to make things happen!

Watch this space!.......


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