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IMO, part of success with a project is a realistic appraisal of the gap between seriousness with which you take your own endeavors, and how important it is to strangers you want to impress. Thrusting your super-serious project at strangers who are loaded up with all kinds of their own duties is a good time for that. Your deadline isn't their emergency, so commenting about being kept in the dark makes a passive-aggressive impression to a random stranger, who advises growing cred so that saying to check sources becomes more like knowing your good reputation in advance.

I try to pay attention to worldwide furry stuff and make effort to translate non-english media to find out, and I've never heard of Colombiafur. Anyone else know it before? It's a nice opportunity to share your group (and change that first impression of complaining about another group that has good cred.) Share your audiovisual material in an article here after you visit Brazil.


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