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Well, exactly. As I said back in October, that's the problem I faced - since late 2013, I'd increasingly spent my limited time on Inkbunny, where there's lots to do, both technically and on an administrative level. Another editor stepped up to cover for me at the end of 2014, but he left last May, and publication fell apart again.

Other contributors tried to draw attention to this back in August, but you didn't want to watch. I agree that videos are an inefficient means of communicating (especially if you take five minutes to get to the point), but the description gives the gist, and it would probably have helped your understanding of the situation.

Relatively few fans are qualified in terms of skills and temperament to edit a furry news site; and of those I've asked to help out, even fewer have accepted. I don't blame those who turned me down; editing is a separate skill, and many find writing more interesting – but the reality is that if nobody sees it as their priority, then few stories are likely to be published in a timely fashion.

As it is, efforts to resolve this situation got started around December. There were months of backlogged stories to work through, while also trying to stay on top of current events. This piece was not seen as time-critical – why it was still viable to publish now – and it was behind others in the backlog, so they came first. I appreciate that is frustrating, but it's the truth.

As Tantroo hinted, tweets and other public comments usually aren't the best way to provide feedback to colleagues; and if it does prompt them to rush, there is the risk of mistakes, which you may not like either. We're all volunteers, and sometimes we slip up. Fortunately you could fix it yourself, in this instance. We're trying to use revisions now; the story editor will normally be listed there to contact. (There is however a bug where it overwrites the editor name if a further edit is made without making a new revision.)


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