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Pawpet Megaplex!!

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Here is a excuse to come to Florida and enjoy a convention at the same time. Pawpet Megaplex is hosting a con March 8-10th in Orlando, Florida at the Ramada Resort and Conference Center at 7400 International Drive.

Look for many events including mascot costume building, performance, Puppetry, Photography panel, a Variety show and Gaming.

Especially Gaming! I am looking for folks that want to run games or play. Miniatures, Role-playing, card games, Board games or CCG's. If you want to run something just go to the URL and follow the links. A nice bonus for pre-registered games is, RUN just ten hours of gaming and the con admission ($25.00) is free!
Other items to look for is a charity auction benefiting the CARE foundation, a local animal rehabilitation facility.

There will also be outside the con events of going to the theme parks and whatever else attendees want to do.

Look for a low hotel rate of $69. a night plus hotel service fees and tax.

Hope to see you there,



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