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Storks is... so-so. If you go in assuming there'll be a coherent plot, you'll be disappointed. The film doesn't take itself seriously, and this is deliberate, but as a result, sometimes what the characters are doing at any given point doesn't make sense.

Also, the main stork character and the human character have this back-and-forth banter/arguing that may or may not work for you. Overall the film seems to be going for a Minions-style thing: everything on the screen is a series of really fast-paced, quick jokes, so it's difficult for your attention span to wander. (The Secret Life of Pets did this too.)

The thing is, when a film goes for this style, all of those quick jokes need to be good! And to be honest, while some of them are ok, a lot of them felt kind of formula. They didn't quite have the writing chops to pull it off... it felt more like "Let's throw stuff randomly and see what sticks". So I wouldn't say it's a bad film, it's more of an 'enh' with occasional little moments. For me personally, I was annoyed they gave the birds teeth, which really bugs me.

For a good example of fast-paced comedy with strong writing to back it up, one of my favorites has always been an episode of The Simpsonse, "Marge vs. the Monorail" (s04e12).


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