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Just saw this tonight. (As a bird furry this was a no-brainer). I really wanted to love this movie and I share some of your opinions that make the movie work. But...

The plot was not developed enough to make me care about what was going on. It all felt so random. I got a few chuckles from the jokes and a few "can't-believe-they-went-there" moments with bodily humor (particularly in one involving how mother birds feed their chicks, which I got a laugh from). I thought the Mighty Eagle character/subplot was entirely pointless. Too many pop-cultural references felt awkwardly shoehorned in.

The most positive aspect is that the film looks amazing. The setting was intriguing, as I would have loved to explore every corner of the island the birds lived on. The character designs felt inspired with the best feather-texturing I've seen in an animated film yet. Voice cast was uniformly great. Yes, I love Red's eyebrows.

I would rate it similarly. Maybe a 4 out of 10 for me.


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