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First of all, I'm not therian. Therians believe they are part-animal and I don't believe that I am part-animal. It's really that simple.

The problem I have is that a term that best describes me simply does not exist in furry fandom. Or I should say, my identity has been erroneously wrapped up with Furry Lifestylers. Here is an optional definition under "Furry Lifestyler" in Wikifur: "To others, the definition of "furry as a way of life" is more accurate. For these furs, furriness is not something that you do, it is something that you are, an inseparable part of oneself."

This short definition by itself is a great description of me, but it is completely inappropriate to attach it the word "lifestyle". "Lifestyle" is not what you are, it's how you express yourself. For example, simply being gay is not a lifestyle but expressing your homosexuality through dress and mannerisms is a lifestyle. In fact, given how strongly gay people have fought against the historical idea that homosexuality is a lifestyle, I'm actually amazed furry lifestylers let this definition slide.

And that distinction between "being furry" and "expressing furry as a lifestyle" is very important because Furry Fandom now automatically associates lifestylers with the ritualistic behaviours, such as barking or growling. Since I don't express any animalistic behaviours, I don't think it's at all appropriate to call myself a furry lifestyler. It would simply send the wrong message about my identity.

If you know of a term that means "furry lifestylers without the lifestyling", then I'd like to hear it. But in the meantime, the lack of an existing definition is why I define myself as "core-identity furry", or "core furry" for short. Right now it is the clearest description of my identity that I can think of.

Oh, and btw, this little detour doesn't change anything I said in my last couple of posts. You don't have to empathise with people who come out as furry, but to deny, erase or connect their identity with mental illness is still a despicable thing to do. Just making that clear.


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