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"I have to get this off my chest because it makes me so angry. Not everyone thinks of furry as a lifestyle and lot of people (myself included) find "coming out as a furry" as laughable. It's not a sexuality, it's a damn hobby and to compare it to what people who really do have to come out go through, is borderline offensive."

It's not nearly as offensive as being told that your identity is wrong, or that you're just confused or that you're mentally ill. You know, the kinds of arguments that have been laid out against gay people for centuries. You're a shining example of what I call the Magneto problem; you've been on the receiving end of bigotry and marginalisation, and therefore should be fully aware of the forms those bigoted arguments take and where they lead, but then you use those same bigoted arguments to marginalise other people without any hint of self-awareness. It's well known that a lot of gay people try to deny or erase the existence of bisexuals and transgender people, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the same thing is happening with core-identity furries. But the fact that you have the gall to be OFFENDED by other people trying to voice their identity really just adds that extra spice to the shitcake that is your line of reasoning.

Furry is not just "a damn hobby" to a lot of furries, including myself and Boomer. It is AS important as our sexuality to us. And if you don't understand how or why we experience furry as a core identity, then instead of just assuming you know better and condescending to everyone, HOW ABOUT YOU ACTUALLY LISTEN FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!? EDUCATE YOURSELF! I went into great detail on how I experienced furry in the thread under the Video interview, as did Boomer. You could have taken the time to actually learn something if you weren't so determined to stew in your own ignorance.


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