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There is a reason why 'coming out of the closet' as a furry is something done in the fandom, akin to being homosexual. Dr. Nuka has studied it well; the furry fandom, unlike other fandoms, is stigmatized. Thus furries feel the need to hide the fact they're furry, more so than other interests or things about themselves.

"[...] being forced to conceal or hide the fact that you’re furry is actually really bad for you – because a similar thing has been found in gay people. When people have to hide their identity, it’s stressful – you have to be constantly vigilant about what you say to other people, and self-monitor to make sure you don’t accidentally 'give it way' or 'out yourself'. It also causes constant anxiety – what if your parents found out? Your partner? Your boss? That sort of stress is really bad for a person, especially when it’s chronic. Humans aren’t designed to be constantly under stress, and it takes a toll on your immune system and your physical health, in addition to your psychological well-being." - Nuka

'Coming out of the closet' is a way to confront this social anxiety. You can choose to not make it a big deal, however it's quite clear it would be healthier if furries could just express their passion for furry like sports fans often spread their passion for sports.


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