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I have to get this off my chest because it makes me so angry. Not everyone thinks of furry as a lifestyle and lot of people (myself included) find "coming out as a furry" as laughable. It's not a sexuality, it's a damn hobby and to compare it to what people who really do have to come out go through, is borderline offensive.

You can argue to death about otherkins, therians, zoophiles whatever. But that's not what this documentary is about is it?

I haven't told my parents my sexual orientation because I know I will be ostracized from my family, I don't care if I'm financially independent and have my own life, it isn't worth burning those bridges. I'm lucky I even have that option, for others coming out is unthinkable. You know what happened when I told my mother about being a furry? A shrug and a small complaint about the cost of my fursuit. She didn't care because I didn't make a big deal out of it or make it off to be something taboo.

I apologize for the rant and I know that wasn't the main point of your post, but I can not stand that term being thrown out so flippantly like it's even close to comparable to the real thing.


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