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It would seem the documentary reflects Video's personal fears to a certain extent. As explained by him somewhere else, for a long time his interest in furry was mostly just sexual, something to masturbate to. His 'coming out' as a furry seemed something difficult for him; while he's liked furry for many years, he only opened up as a furry recently.

I am sure that's how many people have started, or how some have felt in regards to furry, as a natural form of growth. You like cartoons, then you become a hormonal teenager, you find many things erotic that you didn't before, that translates to erotic furry interest and masturbation with furry characters. Along the way of making the documentary he felt 'why is admitting sexual behavior in the fandom taboo', while also learning that there are many other things that make the fandom so much more interesting than just the sex lives of people.

The general subject of sexuality and furry (beyond the trivial) is something I'd struggle myself with if discussing seriously with furries openly. So we know a considerable portion of the fandom (though maybe not the majority) is sexually interested in furry. But how does that make something interesting to talk about, other than if you were a legitimate sexologist... This and that person like to use furry cuffs in their sessions... Okay...

If humans didn't feel distinctly shy about sex, even without needing to overcome that barrier, I think there would be less to talk about sex-wise than about comic / movies / literature / fursuiting / art / etc.


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