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I agreed in my review with the assessment that his laughter at Kage's response made it appear that he was pleased with gaining the response.

I think my most adamant disagreement with them was when they started talking about Alan Panda. He was an extremely passing reference in the movie. When ChewFox was complaining that people were comparing what she did as equal to what Alan Panda did and how ridiculous such a thing is. One sentence, that was all the coverage it got in the documentary

And then the reviewers spend a good 3 minutes or so talking about Alan Panda and complaining when "furry news sites" bring up such incidents. And here they are talking about the guy for so long when it wasn't even necessary to the topic at hand.

To me, like most of these situations, the regular press already was talking about Alan Panda long before the furry press every had a chance to type a single sentence. I mean, it's quite flattering that furries believe that the Associated Press waits for us to say something before they report on incidents like that. But I can say that's not the case. At least our own version of the report allows the comment section to show just how outraged we are at those that would do such acts.


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