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Another take on this whole thing. One point I would agree with them on that I did think at one point about putting in my review was that those interviewed have their own ignorance, for example, Grix claiming in the film that Dragoneer and Kage are buddy buddy and are in cohorts. It's pretty known they don't get along that much.

They note that Boomer the Dog and Kage are in it alot. I would say that it is because those are the two that Video set up as the pseudo-protagonist and pseudo-antagonist of the film.

But what's interesting to also think about, is that when you take the 'outside fandom' life of these two individuals you can start to see how it dictates their 'inside fandom' behaviors. Boomer being 'hardcore unemployable' makes it so that he doesn't really have to worry about losing his positions within human society for he never had them. Where as Kage has a lot of more dependence on the human communities being a 'pillar' within them. So in essence, Boomer doesn't have much to lose if society at large turns against the fandom than those like Kage do.


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