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Apparently it is a problem, because you didn't do it. You offered proof lack of free reign hurts creativity; but you still haven't offered proof that it helps. In fact, your example is of a case of "free reign" creativity being squelched, and someone creatively working around that limitation (Kage said you can't shoot me or Anthrocon, so Video used freely available footage from elsewhere).

You're looking at this too black and white, Patch, and you have since the beginning. You made this a grudge match between Zootopia fans and Fursonas fans, when what you should have done was celebrate both. It's not about one or the other; it's about both. It's not about "free reign" versus "censorship", it's about show a little restraint and taste when necessary. And for Christ's sake, respect the other side feelings for once in your life, Patch.

The problem with your method, Patch, is that you are making things worse for this movie. Before you started on this crusade, I admittedly wasn't going to see this movie, because I didn't care. Now, thanks to you poisoning it for me, I'm still not going to see it, and now I hate it. Net loss for team Fursonas.

Is that fair to this documentary? No. Not at all. But we've already discussed fair, and it's not a priority for you, is it?

But if you had just come at this fairly, Patch, instead of like a bull in a china shop, maybe you could have helped this documentary. Is it the most important furry movie of 2016? I can honestly say, I don't know. And, Patch, you don't know either. It's not your job to declare it the most important movie; it's your job to point people at it and then let them decide, not decide for them.

That's kind of like something a certain cockroach in a lab coat would do, isn't it?


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