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To non-furries, a furry saying "I don't fursuit" doesn't mean "I don't fursuit", it means "I'm not fursuiting NOW."

Going to meets over 20 years across the US, one thing I have never seen is this ever being an issue for anyone, anywhere when furries are mingling with regular people. I'm assuming you don't have too many meets in Oklahoma. Spending too much time on the internet isn't the best for perspective.

And the thing is, a fursuit represents a fursona. Maybe you don't have to have a fursona to be a furry but it sure does help. Look at the title of this movie, it's "Fursonas" not "Fursuiting".

It's an idea movie, not an action movie (there would have been a heck of a lot more dance comps in it otherwise.) If that didn't come across you're ignoring what the movie was about. There are a lot of good reviews out there and none of them are having that problem, including the one with a trivial "stereotype" that doesn't impeach the writer's understanding. The movie is communicating personality as intended. I think you're too caught up in wanting it to be a different movie to let it. That other story is for you to tell.

Now, Patch, on top of that, asking anyone to pitch another furry documentary as the only valid response to this documentary is unfair

Not ""fairness"" again! This is going in circles. It was already put out that if you aren't commissioning the piece, "fair" has nothing to do with someone else's personal expression.

Dominic didn't have a history of making movies or a lot of money either when he made his. Just like you! (Judging from the role of a $10,000 support grant to make it possible.)

He got his made because it's good and it tells a good story. Now you can tell a story too. Why do you think only movie makers can? You can use comics, audio, any tool you wish is at your disposal. (You help run a blog, dude.) We're in a media oversaturation age. Pretending that someone who made a good movie is getting air time you can't get is helplessness. Making your own is fair.

I don't think the market on furry documentaries is so huge that it can afford two competing documentaries

That's what we're showing at our local film festival next month. There's way more than two stories here.

If I had the money and the training, I still wouldn't make a documentary explaining what "furry" is to me; I'd make furry and when people asked me what "furry" was, I'd point to it and say that.

All the time you spend complaining about fairness of someone else's is a great opportunity to make yours.

Money and training has nothing to do with Furry fandom (it sure has nothing to do with my soapbox). Those who go get it, get it because they have something to say (OK that's being generous but "porn is art" isn't a bad fight to have). Everyone else does it DIY. I love throwing DIY out there and say it every chance I get. It's a beautiful ethic.


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