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Well, that's the thing, as you said more conventions grew out and Confurence fell down. I think because Confurence was so big and the only real gig in town at the time, it tried to be everything for everyone. There were those who wanted to let their hair down, and then those who just wanted to socialize with those that enjoy a hobby sans the adult pursuits.

Conventions are starting to become more characterized and unique, so there is a convention out there that one may like, where the other they'd dislike. The person I talked to seemed to like Fur the'More, but not Confurence. Where others may swear by Confurence but dislike Fur the 'More.

Interestingly I think if there's any con that's starting to become known as "think of the children"-con it may be Anthrocon at this point. I do have some friends in the party scene, particularly from the West Coast, and I think BLFC has taken them away. I'm guessing Kage is probably fine with that. But it is also probably linked in some way to Midwest Furfest knocking on Anthrocon's front runner door. Of course that's just speculation. There are MANY factors as to why one goes to one con over another con.

Juggling all those reasons can certainly make a con chair crazy.


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