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As you can see the film is a good piece to strike up conversation of fandom politics.

I really liked what this article had to say about that (after you get past the snark, and to the part where it makes up by saying "you can't help but be charmed by the genuine fulfillment the characters seem to derive from their hobby.")

Besides fandom politics, it's not just a good furry movie, it's a Good Movie:

The rub, without stating it too cheesily, is that Fursonas is about more than just furries. It raises relevant questions for any group trying to avoid being dismissed and disenfranchised (along with the sub-question of whether being dismissed is tantamount to being disenfranchised). What does mass acceptance mean, and what sacrifices is it worth?

If it was just a fandom movie it would risk being petty navel-gazing, or at best too specific to matter much. That's what I find lacking in many such projects. They don't rise above to fully celebrate what's awesome.

Anyhow, here is a roundup of most of the coverage this week.


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