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That is not the problem with hyena stereotypes, they kind of are like that. It's everything else about the stereotypical hyena that is wrong.

1. Hyenas do not laugh because everything is funny to them. They actually laugh when they are nervous.
2. Hyenas are not gross, unclean, cowardly scavengers. They can hunt just like lions do. (although the butter is kind of gross)
3. There are no female hyenas. They just have normal males, and bigger, meaner males who get pregnant (and give birth through their penis).

When The Lion King was released, many people boycotted the film because of how inaccurate the hyenas were, they didn't even get the colors right.

Aside from a few of the weirder traits, hyenas are not much different than any other large predatory animal. Although they are slightly more closely to cats, their personalities are actually closest to dogs.


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