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Not really their fault exactly, I think. But at the same time, I don't think that's the same point. If you TRY to make another person feel bad, and/or try to say it's "bad" to express it, then you are saying their freedom is bad. Especially if you get a lot of people to keep forcing the same bullshit that it's "flawed" whenever the creator defends it.
One time, I saw a fucked up thread on Steam SHAMING someone for a FNAF shipping, and giving the idea that the person should be shamed or give the idea that tells the person it's "bad" to express it. These people have such agenda.
It's fine to dislike it, but to go this far with it for example, that's just morally wrong. It's against freedom and/or gives the idea that such freedom is "wrong".

For last paragraph of your comment, what do you think?


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