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I don't think it really matters. A cartoon is just an art concept. It doesn't change that if such fantasy with Rarity would be real, so would consent. Rarity is a very sentient and intelligent being and if I imagine myself with such person, it would probably feel different than I guess being with a smelly mindless horse. Back to Rarity being different than a horse from this planet, I can make a less cartoon version and still do the same thing with Rarity.
People need to still realize that they are still intelligent beings of what they do, regardless of the cartoon thing. The same goes for anthropomorphic wolves. As I said with "anthropomorphic" label alone, the brain also can't understand "cartoon" and will instead take a "cartoon" character into it's own realism form a bit. Just more 3D I guess.

I guess, but if they react so stupid, I'm gonna say that what they like is 100% no different in the end. XD
Many should realize this.
If I admit I'm attractive to crazy magic wolves, I would show that the wolf can clearly be happy with each the other and explain why it's not wrong.

Hmm, OK, but I still don't understand why you're still telling me this about the cartoon thing. Sure I might get some unfair reactions, but I would criticize it anyway, and I was already kinda doing that. XD


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