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Sure, it does start with it, and that doesn't change any logic.
But I am not quite sure what other posts you are talking about. If you mean some of the images, I think it's just what I found, and went for uploading it as an example of the community problem in general.

You were judging the way I like to criticize some unfair points when reviewing.
With even what I assume with the purpose of shaming me of what I do, there was also this:
"That was sad because it was hilarious. I think we coined the term Diamondmanism in the comments.". I think that Equivamp guy has issues.

I guess I will update some or all (if needed) bias to biased.

Ehh? (The poor and least poorest part)

And there you go again I think.
I'm not gonna let go because you still defend it and have it up in the site, and I will use an example of it. Even if it's 5000 years old. Age doesn't matter as long if it's still on the site maybe.


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