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I know some plushie people, one of my friends is into Sonic fandom and likes Sonic plush. It's different and interesting, but it's totally safe sex, so no harm done as far as I can see.

I never thought about furry sex dolls before, or if they existed, I mean like blow up dolls of anthro foxes, wolves, and others. If they don't exist, they should. The only problem I could see is the rubber they're made of would feel like skin, where a Furry might want to feel fur against their body.

There are inflatable animals and a scene that's into those, but I don't know if you could get for example, a life size anthro fox character like the kind seen in Furry art.

I like the reviews and hope you write some more! Air Bud is a series of live action movies with a family of talking Golden Retrievers. It's by Air Bud Entertainment and Disney.

Air Bud Ent.'s latest movies are Pup Star and Pup Star Better 2gether, together with Net flix, they push the envelope on the talking Dog movie idea and do some things you don't usually see in others, such as humans and Dogs freely talking with each other, and every pooch talks.

As for Buddies movies, the series started with Buddy and his wife at first, then followed the adventures of their puppies, the Buddies. If you want to see what they're about, look on You2ube under Buddies movie. I'd think since you're an Alpha and Omega fan yourself you might like Buddies.

Meanwhile, dream of plush versions of Humphrey and Kate!


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