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Hi Diamond Man, I think you should check out the movie if you can, it's open about sex in the fandom, unlike Furry documentaries before it, and it is about freedom to take Furry your own way.

Sex is a big hang up, it's intensely out there in the media and a natural part of life, yet there's so much tension over it. That's been happening forever though, probably since 'civilization', and religions trying to demonize it and uplift humans above other animals.

It's good for a society to have a standard on actual sex and limits, harming someone and where you can't just grab another living being for sex, but I can't see ever worrying about over fantasy, plush and pictures, a movie or some show on TV it's kind of like fighting over air.

I like your Alpha and Omega reviews, and I thought when they introduced the wolf pups and focusing on them that the series was going to go like the Air Bud movies that changed over to being just about the puppies, the Buddies.

I like how you notice in detail exactly how much anthro is being shown by the wolf characters in the movies, something I watch for too all the time in toons and live action Dog movies.

As for the amount of anthro shown across a series of movies like Alpha Omega, they might be trying to change it to see how an audience would react, or it could be just what different animators know how to do as they work on it from movie to movie. Not everyone would know how to pull it off.



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