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Boomer, it's good to see you show up on this thread. Right off the bat I want to say I respect what you're doing; you're a lot braver presenting yourself to the world than I'm able to be. (Can I ask how you felt about how "Dr. Phil" depicted you? It made me angry to see him openly mock you, complete with "oh my God!" audience reaction shot edited in - and then say something along the lines of "we're not here to judge anyone".)

If I have mixed feelings about "Fursonas" it's because I look at media depictions of the fandom from the perspective of "if I tell people I'm a fur, how are they going to react, based on [whatever movie, TV show or magazine article] they've seen about us]?" and I'm afraid the movie is going to confirm negative preconceptions rather than expand peoples' understanding of the fandom.

That said, I don't think you or even Video has a "responsibility" to make the fandom look "good" or respectable, but to be as truthful as possible to your own perspective - and I'm sorry, but I have reservations about Video's perspective. (I don't think a couple of quick appearances by more sedate furs counterbalances several minutes of Varka displaying animal dildos and artificial cum.)

I'll be glad to be proven wrong and see "Fursonas" deepen people's understanding and appreciation of the fandom, so we'll see how that shakes out over time...have you ever seen "The New Yorker" cartoon of a dog at a computer telling another dog "on the internet no one knows you're a dog?" Nowadays it's just as accurate to say "on the internet no one knows you're not a dog."

- Joe


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