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Hi Patch! Radio is great, I could be a Dog on the air and listeners could take it as a character, they wouldn't have to know how serious I was about it. I built my first real station in the basement when I was in high school, and at least I know a few bus-mates heard it, AM radio with vacuum tube output power using the techniques of 1963. I'm very much into radio, the tech side as well as the programming.

Papey is great in the heat, cooler than a faux fur costume, because the paper is light and tends to breathe, even with so much of it. The paper is held on with hot glue, so normal heat won't make it shed any more than it normally sheds due to wear.

I can pull off old fur and add new paper layers easily. It's kind of scruffy right now, it needs an overhaul before I use it a lot more. I really try to keep it fresh by spraying in generic Fabreze, and have a couple of fans to blow air through the pieces, sometimes even for a couple of days. If it gets damp, the most that really happens is that it smells like wet paper.. :)

Papey isn't that huggable, I do get light hugs from some, but paper is kind of crinkly. It's not extremely bendable, so I can't be an acrobat in it or go on fours really well. My dream suit for that would be something like Barkley from Sesame St, made for four footed walking. A paper quad suit might be worth a try, I do like 4 leg suits, like George Ali's Nana character and others.

Thanks for the compliment, and I have one for you, I like how clean the layout is at Dogpatch Press, no extra tech that's not needed just to read something. I keep things simple at my site too.



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