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This is a great comment... on the one hand Dominic's point is kind of being made by a ban. On the other it's not exactly dictating if they've been put in the position of needing to be strict and then they can't just look the other way. Who to blame the most -society, man! If furries werent a target it wouldn't be such an issue.

That's why I take issue with Kage being compared to a cult leader. I totally sympathise with the movie of course. I just understand he's doing a job and believe he does have his heart in the right place, he's human and humans make mistakes (including the trans species ones.) IMO the judgement that happens against certain furries seems to represent community tendencies more than one guy's domination.

What dominic did to get his movie out seems legit to me because he also has his heart in tbe right place. Just sad that it involved a dilemma of choice. Think of pirate radio vs the fcc or local farm/craft food vs the FDA. It's not bad to have food regulation it's bad that it's shaped by the big process against the individual.

Gonna be some interesting news to come about promotion of his movie.


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