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I don't like Zootopia cause it isn't about me, shut up. It's getting old, and I've said time and time again that that's not why I dislike it.

Pretending to be a civet on the internet...why're you determined to be a jackass? I'm not posting comments like *meows and rolls around* or whatever, so as far as the name goes it's just a screen name. I know a guy without a sona who uses a cactus to portray himself, what does that make him? XP

I know who I am as a person, and the furry part is just a fun way to express my already determined personality through. Stop it.

I agree with what you said about the movie but there isn't enough info for me to bash the movie, so I'm gonna wait to see it. The last documentary I saw, "Do I Sound Gay To You?", had it's awkward moments but overall had a good message. And that's the benefit I'm giving this movie. You're ransacking this movie like I did to Zootopia, but for different reasons. And now you're in the majority while I was always in the minority for my feelings on Zootopia.

I'd ask you to hold back but we both know you're not capable of that. XP

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz


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