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I mentioned this in a Fur Affinity thread, but Salon had their own interview with Video.

(I'm pretty sure he was referring to me when he said "A furry who interviewed me thinks Chew Fox was delighting in upsetting furries, and that’s wasn’t obvious to me at all.")

Anyway, thought you folks might be interested in the comments at the end of THAT interview, mostly from non-furs:

Blue Suede Shoes
It's not something that appeals to me personally, but what consenting adults want to do behind closed doors is their own business.

Charlotte Lipson
Stories like this always remind me of Jerzy Kozinski's remark to the effect that in the small country he was from people with such fetishes would be ostracized and treated like disgusting deviants but in the U.S. there are large organizations which support them.

Fascinating maybe, but misunderstood? I don't think so.....

To each their own, but any furries who were real fur deserve to spend the night outdoors with their leg caught in a trap (maybe desperate to get home to feed their kids), or a week inside a tiny wire metal cage. We'll spare them the gruesome and painful deaths.

@BeansNGreens A fur suit costs between 500 and 4000 dollars using fake fur. I can't even estimate how much a
real fur suit would cost, nor can I think of any furry that would use it. Every fur I know, including myself, are animal lovers and environmentally concerned.

@Somber @BeansNGreens
That's reassuring to hear, but I do know that some furries like real fur, even if only parts like tails. Hopefully, they are a small minority.

That sounds interesting. I don't see anything stranger about being a furry than playing bridge "seriously."

ha ha ha... humans are amazing when left to be free and creative .


I'm not a furry and I thought "The Lion King" movie had real sexual content. When Simba and Nala mate, Nala shows genuine desire. As far as I know this was the first Disney movie where a strongly sexual female character wasn't also evil. Of course Nala was an animal, so it was okay. I await positive human female sexuality in Disney productions.

I used to want an adult-size raccoon suit (like a gorilla suit I once owned) because I thought it would be a hoot for parties, Halloween, and general Pythonesque silliness (I wanted to take a series of funny photos showing "Raccoon Boy", Maurauder of the Night, knocking over neighborhood trash cans and climbing on roofs) , but now the urge has died, simply because I don't want to be mistaken for a mentally disturbed fetishist. Thanks for co-opting animal costumes and ruining things for the rest of us, "furries."

Wow. If you're hating on people for doing what you'd like to do but are now afraid to, I think your issue has nothing to do with animal costumes.

@Piper909 Again, you focus on the sex. That's something most furs don't do, ESPECIALLY in a suit. Simply put, sex is hot and sweaty work. Sex in a fur suit is sex in a heavy overcoat. Can you do it? Sure. Do most furries do it? Not even close. Most furries don't even fursuit, because it is an expensive and highly technical hobby. Me, I put a tail on a belt and wear a pair of cat ears and call it good.

Me again. This interview appeared late yesterday and new comments were popping up even as I C & V'd the ones above. (I may add one or two myself.)

I just realized the documentary mentioned Fur Affinity several times, but never got around to describing it in any way; something really brief like "the most popular website for furry art" would've covered it...but Video was very specific in my interview he didn't want to cover furry art in the documentary, so maybe that ommission was a way of doing that.

- Joe


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