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While I tend not to get into debates over the definitions, because it tends be something I consider a bit trivial at best. And even the movie's trailer says that basically every furry knows that what a furry is is always going to be talked about in some degree. I kind of have had the thought about how zoomorphism plays a role within the fandom as much as anthroporphism has.

In my experience "anthropomorphism" is trying to 'raise up' an animal to have human cognition. Where-as those who'd be for zoomorphism might think that our tendency to over-rely on our cognition, and our usage of it to harm others for selfish purposes maybe make the less cognitive animal a better state of being. To me, of course, there has to be some degree of misanthrope for one to see zoomorphism as the ideal. Whereas one who sees anthropomorphism as the positive would have to be more a philanthropist.

And some of us can see the points in both sides.


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