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This is more of a reply to both Patch and Video.

Both of you seem to be in good company because you both engage in taking personal opinion or vision and applying a sweeping generalization to the entire fandom. For example this documentary, Patch claim about this documentary and Patch’s reporting, in the Dog Patch Press, somehow the San Francisco club culture is a mecca, i.e. center for furry fandom. ( I am amused by Patch’s ad hominem response to my SF comment).
As I think about it this the crux of furry media and other areas of the fandom: too narrow of a focus and sweeping generalizations . I been a furry for 9 years now. one thing I know the fandom is a diverse with different groups and views from evangelical Christians to atheist, yet at times we can come to together to enjoy the fandom and each other. One person cannot say this is the whole of the fandom, we are not all fursuiters, we are all not lGBT, we are al not evangelical Christians, we are all not 20 somthings , ( I seen a video channel of a eight and eleven year old fursuters in the UK). Still we are all furries.
If one wants to do a documentary on the fandom, one can focus on a single aspect but make clear this is just one side of the fan and don’t’ say this the whole fandom. If one want to make documentary on the whole fandom the one cannot concentrate on a few extreme examples but a wide audience from SF club seen, East coast, Midwest furs, the cast of the Funday Pawpet Show to the cast of Waggztail and Tycho Aussie talk about fur and faith and family friendly aspect. aspect
It seems to me beside the Video’s perceived Hollywood ego, the focus is not objective, fair to the fandom or accurate. I hope I wrong but I have to wait t ill Netflix picks it up.


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