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I'm sorry you feel unwelcome. Really I don't think anyone here is genuinely wishing people with sexual furry preferences or a strong sense of furry identity (which I have one as well, just not in the same way as you) to disappear. They simply don't like those themselves, or feel threatened by media focusing on those.

But another thing that is relatively common in not just the furry fandom but any fandom is drama, to some varying degrees. To an outsider with a distanced position these may even seem nonsensical and comical. "Are Romulans or Vulcans the superior race?" Who really cares? Just find those things and people you like in the furry fandom, and do what makes you happy! You will find akin furries, and if you feel welcomed enough, your furry identity will prevail over non-sayers.

I believe Video is setting a new trend in media relationships that's about showing the diversity without restraint, instead of 'hiding 'retard' uncle Joe' like Kage says (that's an actual expression he uses). The movie is admittedly attempting to break older protectionist habits.

Previously I was talking about factually defining furry fandom, rather than media handling or unwelcoming trends. It's important to define furry in an accurate and simple way so that people can understand what it is in 30 seconds, rather than by watching a 90 minute movie. Each person's personal experience on furry will be different, just like a painter from the 16th century and a writer from the 17th century had different views on what Renaissance is, even though they both followed staples from the Renaissance.


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