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I could be wrong but I was under the impression that the consensus was sex IS unchangeable, but a lot of people have trouble coming to terms with their bisexuality due to the way that they are taught to repress their sexuality from a young age. At first you imagination yourself as heterosexual because that's what society tells you is normal and desirable. Eventually you come to terms with your attraction to people of the same sex and label yourself homosexual. But then you realise that there were things that aroused you about the opposite sex and then your identity shifts again. It sounds weird but people can take a long time to work out their sexual identity, sometimes into middle age and even old age. Brains are complicated and not always good at telling us how we feel about things.

As for your second point, I am aware that I'm talking to some kind and passionate people in this thread. But I can also see the fox repellent you're all carrying by your sides, just in case. Again, a big theme of Zootopia is recognising the difference between personal and systemic prejudice. Personal prejudice is like throwing a racist slur in someone's direction; most people don't do that so they confidently label themselves "not racist". But systemic prejudice is when multiple people from multiple places discourage or bar minorities from positions of power or otherwise speaking their voice against the status quo. And you don't need to be actively hateful to support systemic prejudice; all it takes is a belief that minority presence could in some way cause harm to the majority status quo and then subconscious behaviour will do the rest.

When a hundred people are telling me that visibly sexual furries in movies and TV reflect badly on furry fandom, and then someone directly tells me that my own identity makes me unsuitable to represent furry fandom, that is marginalisation. You're happy to read my opinion on a small comments section, but somehow I don't think you'd be so agreeable if I was confidently expressing myself in that Fursonas movie.


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