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He explicitly says it isn't. "It's not the authority on the fandom and I hope when people see the movie they understand it's not [about] all furries, it's about these furries." You should see the movie before making up your mind, mainstream media wouldn't make one like it.

He also said

"When people say furry isn’t a lifestyle I understand that, but when they say it’s just a hobby I think they’re almost giving it a disservice. There’s so much wrapped up in it, and I think people in it take it seriously. I don’t want people to think [the fandom is] just freaks obviously, but it was important people cared about what they were talking about."

It is either lifestyle or a hobby, there is no in between. And he's claiming if you don't agree with his definition of the fandom you are doing it a disservice....somehow. Then (I can't believe I missed this before) goes into to call the subjects of the documentary freaks.

I know there is the claim this documentary is about these furries and not the fandom as a whole, I wouldn't have a problem with that if this wasn't the biggest documentary to come out of the fandom due to its huge exposure. Something this big shouldn't be about these people specifically it should be a cross section of the whole fandom. Not just selecting the wackiest furries you can find and putting them on film. "Passionate" doesn't have to mean extreme.


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